NVM helps activate Physical Literacy needs in schools
Nikki Visaj Movement can help schools across Australia with physical literacy needs through dance, fitness and mindfulness incursions, video or virtual classes.
We are a Melbourne–based registered service provider ABN:86 605 804 822. We have appropriate insurances and policies, including for risk management and child–safe environments and teaching staff. You can see our child protection policy here, and our complaints handling policy here.
The Nikki Visaj Movement was founded in 2015 and during that time we have built our business to meet the needs of schools across Victoria and other states. Our services align with the intentions of the government initiative and against the Physical Literacy Guide for Schools.

About Physical Literacy
Physical Literacy is designed to help schools to increase children’s participation in sport, and to connect them with community sporting opportunities. Your school may be eligible for a grant to help pay for student activity classes or programs.
Movement and fitness have a positive influence on children’s confidence, physical competence and motivation to be active at school and throughout life. Through teaching mindfulness and yoga skills, we also offer a complete package of both energising and calming activities.

Meeting Needs
Dynamic and responsive fitness programs like ours meet the needs of governments and schools to address this disengagement with cohorts of young people, such as those who are not interested in mainstream or team sports. By building physical literacy through dance, fitness and mindfulness approaches, as a community we are tackling this important topic in a different way.
A lot of young people between the ages of 13 to 17 stop playing organised sport. If we keep kids engaged at the primary school level through alternatives to mainstream programs like ours, there is a stronger chance kids will move to secondary school with stronger physical literacy skills and enjoyment.
“Disengaged and physically inactive youth are likely to be female, older, andfrom culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.”

The research shows that what motivates many young people – including those who are disengaged in sport – to participate in sport is:
- Wanting to improve their skills and fitness for a healthier, more energetic life
- Wanting to spend time with friends while having fun.
These are some of the reasons why our dance, fitness and mindfulness (positive mental and physical health) approaches are so successful. Our work appeals to this cohort and taps into the desire to have fun.
What we do to engage kids in movement and physical activity
There is four unique groups of disengaged young people and the characteristics of each cohort:
- Number 3: suggests that ‘existing sport scheduling could be enhanced with a “fitness-based” program, targeting disengaged secondary school students to build their confidence, and provide the knowledge and skills they are seeking to support their shift to a healthier lifestyle’
- Number 4: suggests a “stress relief” program for those students who can no longer commit to traditional sport activities’. NVM appeals to schools and kids of all ages because it is a non–traditional approach that heavily emphasises fun, joy, high–energy and creative expression
The Physical Literacy: Guide for Schools shown here identifies the key components needed for a whole-school approach to developing children’s physical literacy.
We meet these goals by:
- Enhance the value that schools place on sport and physical activity – NVM promotes being active and having fun though dance, fitness, cultural and mindfulness classes offered as incursions or through video or virtual (live) sessions.
- Support the least active children and youth to get moving – NVM does this by catering for all students no matter their sporting prowess, confidence or interest in traditional or team sports. Our joyous approach is infectious for children, and our mindfulness and ‘calming down’ programs help manage anxiety, stress or other disrupting feelings. What we do is all about inclusivity and getting involved without competition.
- Connect Australian children and youth with community sport – NVM promotes physical health and the pleasure of movement and being active. This is at the heart of all physical literacy approaches and one that transcends organised sport.
- Develop physical literacy in Australian children and youth – NVM offers classes through incursions or virtual/video classes to everyone between the ages of 5 and 18 years old. We service schools anywhere in Australia through virtual or video classes, or by arrangement in other areas outside of Victoria.
- Improve capability of schools to deliver sport and physical activity opportunities – NVM makes it easier for schools to bring in specialist or non–traditional physical movement opportunities that also align with curriculum requirements through health and PE, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross–curriculum priorities. Our incursions can be planned in advance for a term or semester, or booked for a single session. We are experienced in getting the best from children and young adults through positive messaging, role modelling, high–energy classes or calming down and relaxing classes that teach children to experience being in the moment through body awareness and mindfulness activities.
How we meet the Physical Literacy Guidelines

Curriculum Teaching and Learning:
- Taught by qualified health and physical education teacher(s)
- Meet the state/territory and/or Australian Curriculum requirements
- Incorporate a balance of non-competitive and competitive activities – NVM only offers non–competitive sessions
- Maximise student participation with 50% of practical classes including moderate to vigorous physical activity – NVM offers classes with varying levels of physical intensity and fitness, including mindfulness and yoga on the lesser end of the spectrum
- Provide appropriate and sufficient equipment for all students to be active – NVM provides everything for schools to just enjoy the session and join in if they wish. See here for details of what schools need to provide
- Provide a variety of inclusive, competitive, non-competitive, team and individual sports and physical activities for students – NVM only offers inclusive, non–competitive physical activity (fitness and dance) and mindfulness programs and no team sports, although the thrill of participating in a group dance session is a lot of fun!
- Provide a variety of sports and physical activities before, during and after School – NVM offers sessions (incursions or video/virtual) to cater for before and after school care groups as well as vacation care programs
- Support students to lead sport and physical activity initiatives at school – NVM is open to collaborating with student leadership groups to offer sessions (incursions or video/virtual) for any purpose including rewards, electives, end–of–year events or timetabling
- Promote a positive attitude towards the development of physical literacy – NVM actively promotes the health and wellbeing benefits of physical literacy including fitness, relaxation and flexibility leading to improved confidence and mental health
- Incorporate the development of physical literacy into a range of curriculum areas at all year levels – NVM offers age–appropriate sessions for children of any age between 5 and 18 years complying with the health and PE curriculum area and providing opportunities for the cultural and Aboriginal/ Reconciliation aspects of the curriculum
- Provide professional learning opportunities and resources to staff to ensure physical literacy is incorporated into other learning areas – NVM offers professional development, whole–school incursions and special events for schools, such as end–of–year concerts. We are happy to work with schools to help them build in dance, fitness and mindfulness opportunities for their students
- Encourage staff to be positive role models by leading healthy and active lives – All NVM teachers/instructors are excellent role models for children and young people. They lead active, healthy lives pursuing their dreams to dance, stay fit and live with strong mental health.
- Promote the importance of physical education, sport and physical activity on academic, health and wellbeing benefits – This is an integral part of the NVM approach
- Provide regular information and practical strategies to promote physical literacy and reduce sedentary behaviours at home – This is an integral part of the NVM approach
- Promote the benefits of participating in a variety of inclusive, competitive, non-competitive, team, individual and recreational activities – This is an integral part of the NVM approach
- Encourage inclusion of people from diverse cultural backgrounds to participate in sport and physical activities and encourage parents to share their culture and experiences where appropriate – NVM takes pride in employing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander instructors and offering sessions to promote Indigenous culture and dance
- Promote participation in community physical activities – NVM is part of the community and actively promotes joyful, fun fitness and dance options or relaxing mindfulness approaches to help students manage poor mental health and improve their physical wellbeing, regardless of whether the activity is part of NVM
- Establish relationships with recreation centres, community sport and physical activity providers to strengthen physical activity opportunities – NVM is part of Melbourne’s dance, fitness and recreation community with several strategic alliances and healthy relationships with peers. We can refer students and their families to other types of physical movement opportunities if desired
Culture, organisation and environment
- Support staff to attend professional learning for physical literacy – NVM offers professional development for schools and teachers. We are happy to work with schools to help them build in dance, fitness and mindfulness opportunities for their students
- Role model a healthy and active life and encourage teachers and students to do the same – All NVM teachers/instructors are excellent role models for children and young people. They lead active, healthy lives pursuing their dreams to dance, stay fit and live with strong mental health.
- Promote physical activity, health and wellbeing messages to the whole school community – NVM actively promotes the health and wellbeing benefits of physical literacy including fitness, relaxation and flexibility leading to improved confidence and mental health.
- Include opportunities for staff to improve their physical literacy as part of a staff wellbeing program - NVM offers professional development for staff in physical literacy in the areas of fitness, dance, mindfulness and yoga.